Eléonore de Posson - 100%divine 100%human

If you thought that priestesshood was a thing of the past, Priestess Elé is here to remind you that living a soul-led life is the new norm. Through the embodiment of the Divine Feminine, she leads others to reclaim their own divine power.

The first time I came across Elé, I was touched by her loving and gentle energy. She exudes a femininity that’s more water than fire, leading by flow rather than destruction and push. And I’m not saying she doesn’t have fire in her because OH she does! What' I’m saying is that her energy really stood out for me in a world of hardness, among female leaders who are tough looking and tough speaking: her power comes from a place of effortless softness. She makes me think of the waters of Yemoja, rocking you into awareness and life.

If there was a takeaway in this interview, I would invite you to pay close attention to how her journey is a testimony that there are no wrong paths: rather, more or less aligned expressions of our gifts and genius.

Tanya Gervasi: What is your genius? Let’s go straight to the point!

Elé de Posson: Mmm let’s dive into the mud. I have two different geniuses that I bring together and make something very special. I believe that I’m really good at seeing things in depth. I see a lot between the lines so when I work with people 1:1 I can actually understand what they’re trying to say without them not even being aware that they’re saying it. So I see really between the lines and see directly in the depth of things. It’s great because it helps me to work with my clients 1:1. I’m also very good at making connections between things, I make connections that a lot of people don’t see. 

So that’s all intellectual and that’s great, I then have this ability to synthesise information, go deeply in it and then translate it for people. But the cherry on the cake of my genius is that I’m able to make it very practical, because information that is just information is useless. I make it very practical and you’ve seen it in my books and in the work that I do, there are always exercises and I take people on soul journey meditations and so on, because it’s useless if you cannot apply it to your life.

And of course because I’m passionate about spirituality, and I really believe that we are spiritual beings that are having a human experience, I want to bridge the spiritual and the human so I use my genius in the spiritual sphere.

Today you are embodying the Priestess. How was your genius expressed prior to the priestesshood? Because I think there’s layers to the expression of our genius.

I think this genius to see depth in humans, and in text, and in information, and being able to mirror it back at them either to help them or to give them practical information to help them… I’ve always done that in my life.

Before stepping into this Spiritual Leadership and Priestesshood, I was working in a bank and I was actually helping startups to raise money and I was coaching them on communication to raise money. So I was already in a relationship of service, helping people find peace, helping people find solutions within themselves, helping people see the potential - actually because I see in depth and I see what some people don’t, I could see the potential and the path that some people could take with their companies. Sometimes there were paths that they couldn’t see for themselves. So it was pretty much based around finances and crowdfunding, but I was already doing it. And I’ve always done it with my friends, I was always the person people come to because they want an advice and because I could see between the lines I could always give them the advice that they actually needed. The same with my parents, my family, my cousins. It’s just really who I am.

That is incredible! I was not one of your 1:1 clients but I read some testimonials and it feels to me like the woman you helped is “the startup”... it’s just the form that really changed.

Exactly it’s just the form that’s different but still being able to support people and help them see themselves. I can see them and I can see parts of them that they don’t even see, and I do that in a very practical, grounded, feminine way and I have this beautiful voice that relaxes people and helps them to go even deeper within themselves. I was really designed and built to do that. 

How long did it take you to acknowledge that about yourself?

A while. A really long time. I always knew that I was going to be in service to others, and that I was going to help people on their spiritual path… I thought it was more psychological, I didn’t know about spirituality, I didn’t understand what it was. But I always knew I was going to help people, just I thought I was going to be more of a psychologist or kinesiologist. 

And there was another part of me that also needed to prove herself for a really long time. This is gonna make you laugh but for a really long time I didn’t think of myself as someone that was smart or intelligent. 

That’s the problem of many smart women (and people!)

And I was surrounded, still am surrounded, by girls who are my best friends that are really really smart. They’re real intellectuals, known for that, hired for that, they have PhDs, etc. And so I felt usually stupid next to them. So for my whole life I’ve also heard: you can do better, you are smarter than that, you can do better… And so I had this sense that I’m not enough. 

It’s just that people were seeing my potential but were not translating it in the right way to me or I was not hearing it in the right way. I just heard I’m not smart enough. That created in myself a huge desire to show that I was smart and to prove myself, so I had to do the best studies in economics and management, work in the best bank, do a master’s degree taking evening classes and finish as almost first of the class.
Ok but now what do I do with all these talents that I have inside of me? Because working in a bank, even though I’m helping people, it’s not nourishing me. That’s when I went to India. That’s when I got divorced. And that’s when Life was like ‘Ok now you need to listen to your intuition because we have a big plan for you and you are going to follow us’. 

I would say… even once I started my spiritual journey, healing and writing my first book… It took me another year or two to really be able to see myself. 

There’s something very interesting about how… Many people seem to be able to “see the potential” in others. I feel there is obviously a difference between how you, Elé, are able to see the person and the path, or multiple paths, of their Higher Self. Whereas many people tend to see the potential of what they could and would do with what you have. Like, ‘you are this way and if I were you these are the things that I would do, so why are you not doing them??’

It’s a tricky topic because when you talk with your friends, imagine: you’ve been in this relationship and your boyfriend is super drunk and suddenly kisses another girl. He barely remembers it and the next morning he’s hungover, and tells you full of shame “Tanya I did this huge thing, I’m so sorry, I don’t know what happened”. So you talk about that to your girls, they all gonna tell you something different. ‘What an asshole, dump him right now!’ or someone else is going to say ‘Oh my god poor him, he must be feeling terrible.’ Another one might say ‘that’s the biggest humiliation, never talk to him again’, or someone might even say ‘well maybe this isn’t his story, maybe it’s an ancestral trauma around cheating or not respecting yourself and he just needed to explode’. Someone else can even say, ‘maybe he has too much work and needed to be crazy for a night’. 

The interesting thing that you notice is that everyone is going to tell you something different because they are always going to tell you something in relation to their story and their own wounds. That’s why when people tell you about your potential they are also seeing some of their potential, and maybe the regrets that they have, and the things they wish they had done, or the things that they hope to do in the future but they don’t give energy to. 

So it’s great when people see your potential but Life is infinite potential. And that’s one of the laws of the Universe is that there’s so so so soooo much potential. 

It’s almost as if the potential that they see in you is even limiting and it doesn’t even come close to You and who you can really be.

Yeah. I think it’s important when we coach someone or are a mentor for someone to remove yourself. And that’s what I do in my work, I remove a lot myself. And I have the gift of being pretty intuitive and tapped in so sometimes I receive messages and I just help the person see themselves and make decisions for themselves. That’s usually the gift of having a mentor because when it’s your friends they’re going to give you advice based on their relationship with themselves, or their life, or their path, or their traumas, they don’t realise that they’re just projecting. 

So I got your book The Path of Femininity. When I read it there was something I knew I wanted to ask you about, and now I randomly opened the book onto the exact page where I underlined a few things and took some notes. It’s about receiving, you write ‘The universe is the masculine here’ and I wrote next to it ‘The universe is my sugar daddy’. At the time I remember I had a big AHA! moment about the relationship between me and the universe. Can you speak about that a little?

Receiving and abundance is our birthright. 

It’s just that we need to understand the dynamics of the universe, the way that the energy of the universe moves. We are just a sum of energy, every emotion, every thought, every talent is just an energy, it’s just a frequency that is moving through us. Sometimes because of a certain experience, that energy can freeze and it translates into trauma, or neck pain, or back pain, whatever it is it’s going to express itself because it’s trying to catch your attention. When that energy is frozen it means that the energy of the universe is not flowing through you in the naturally abundant way that it is meant to flow.

But at the same time it is part of the human experience to have these frozen energies inside of us because they teach us more about ourselves. They are actually opportunities to learn to re-love ourselves and to heal ourselves, they’re invitations to go inward. So when we understand that, we can really go within to heal these blocks, and allow the natural flow of the universe to go through us again. The reason why I’m talking about this is to understand that we are really co-creators with the universe. So the blocks and the energy that freezes inside of you is also somehow created by the universe as an opportunity to see yourself. At the same time you are also the universe. It’s like we are everything and its opposite. 

How interesting that in nature we have ice, so the water freezes, and that is associated with winter and cold weather, which is also associated with the feminine state of going inward. I just had this image and suddenly am aware that this is natural rather than a problem to be fixed. 

Yes and what we really have to embrace is that sometimes the energy is flowing and sometimes the energy is frozen. That frozen energy, the wounds, the trauma, the pain are opportunities to learn more about yourself, to heal, to step into our bigger potential. And when we understand that we start to see how the universe is always giving and receiving, how we are here to give and to receive. If we are not aware of that dance we stay in a frozen state, we stay in the contraction, and that’s when you can start to fall into a scarcity mindset or the illnesses - because it’s not our natural state. Even when we think about money, because when I talk about receiving people say they always want more money, I’m like yes but you need to open yourself more to receiving. And you also need to understand that money is a feminine energy. So she also goes through ways of opening and contracting. Inhaling and exhaling. Flowing and then blocking. 

Once we understand that we can flow with the movement of money. We can flow with the movement of the universe. Everything is always a constant movement and this is why I think it’s really nice that you brought the example of the water, because water is in constant movement as well: it freezes, and then it becomes liquid and then it evaporates, and then it freezes again. It’s in so many different states, and it reminds us of the seasons, water is the element of the Winter, then we go to Spring and have the element of air, fire with Summer and the earth with Fall. Everything is always cyclical and in constant movement but because we live in a world that wants consistency, security, always the same - that’s very rigid and masculine - we are completely blocking the receiving state.

If we can come back to the natural flow of life: the cycle, the seasons, the movement and just trust that the Winter is necessary for Spring. The lower waves are necessary for the higher waves to come after. Then we come back to our natural state of abundance which is our birthright, which means that sometimes we receive huge opportunities, a lot of love, a lot of success, a lot of money, and then sometimes we don’t and that’s ok. Moments when we don’t receive are opportunities. Just like when you’ve hurt yourself there’s a block and the energy inside of you is frozen, because it’s an opportunity.

Everything is an opportunity and if we can change the perception and see that, life becomes a game. It’s uncomfortable, I’m not going to lie, in the past 2 to 3 weeks I’ve realised so many things about myself that I didn’t see before. Because I’ve done so much work on myself already that I’m like, Well I’m good, I’m perfect, now I’m just gonna help others. Oh gosh! There’s always more.

I do catch myself with thoughts like ‘I think, now, I figured it out for good!’. And I learned that when I get that thought, shit!, something is about to come.

There’s always something more coming so it’s a great reminder to stay humble. Because we know the more we grow the more we know but there’s still plenty of things that we don’t know about ourselves and about life and about the universe. So it’s a great reminder to stay humble and it’s a great reminder for me to go deeper within myself to understand the people I work with and about the human condition much better.

Lastly, I'd love to talk about Priestesshood. 
Nevermind that nowadays Instagram is filled with Priestesses - and I’d rather not bitch about it. But the ancient texts that I read or even the myths narrated to us, all hold the same image of Priestess. There is actually a beautiful book by Marguerite Rigoglioso, The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception, which basically tells of how Priestesses could get pregnant and give birth without the male sperm and how that was a Practice because basically they were single devoting their entire life to the Goddess. 

But nowadays a Priestess seems to be living a life AND being in service.
You too have a husband and a child, you live a life, see friends, go out, and … are a Priestess. So I wonder, what is Priestesshood in modernity?

I see Priestesshood in a very different way than what you’ve described. And it’s actually how I see life in general. 

For me every woman is a Priestess. The reason why we are seeing so many Priestesses now and on social media - it looks like a bit of a buzzword now - it’s because the Divine Feminine is coming back. The Divine Feminine has been underground for centuries and millennia, like for 2500 years I would say it’s been forbidden to worship the Goddess. But before all the male Gods, it was actually the worship of the Goddess - it was a very feminine, matriarchal society and religion… spirituality I’d say.

And so now she’s coming back because of many different reasons. If you want to know the reasons read my book but it’s just a fact, we see it everywhere. I’ve received these teachings from this book, many other girls I have never talked to are also teaching about the Divine Feminine, it’s just curious to see how it’s popping out everywhere. The Priestess is the one who incarnates the Divine Feminine. The Priestess is the one who is connected to the Goddess and then teaches the others to be connected to the Goddess as well. For me the Priestess is a bridge between the Divine and the human experience but the truth is that we are all bridges. We are all spirits having a human experience. We are not half Divine, half Human. We are 100% Divine and 100% Human. And the Priestess is the one who knows that, recognises that, and lives her life accordingly. She embodies all of her feminine energy. When you understand a little bit about the difference between the masculine and the feminine energy, you know that the masculine is all about doing and structuring and being “out there”, whereas the feminine is more intuitive, receiving, being, connecting with herself, with spirit and the universe.

Because our world is completely shifting into being more in the feminine, because we need it, this is why there is this huge comeback of the feminine and a huge comeback of the Priestesses and Priestesshood. It’s to remind humanity that we have an intuition, and when we embody our intuition and live our life with our intuition, that is when we live our most aligned and most abundant life. That is what we came here to do. We came here to have a human experience that is playful and fun and also sometimes with challenges because we learn and grow and these challenges are opportunities. But if we can live our life led by our intuition, led by the divine, remember that we are 100% divine and 100% human, we actually remember that we are all Gods on Earth. We are God, Universe, Source itself.

For me, that’s my visionary self coming through right now, I see the future as going back to a time a little bit like Atlantis, when they were all learning to be Gods on Earth. Where they were all using a lot of technology and very connected with the land but also very connected with the Divine, with their spirit guides, and allowing Source and that field of infinite possibilities to work through us for us and for ourselves. I believe that is how we can be in the highest service for each other and for ourselves of course.

How is that sitting with you?

I feel I still see it as something very exclusive. You know, like the Clergy with all its system of casts and ranks, you have the Pope on top and then you have others below until you get to the priest. They’re a bit like untouchables. 

And that was done on purpose. It was done on purpose that you thought they were untouchable. When we can really live an embodied spirituality, bring all of our spirituality in everything that we do during this life on Earth, that is when we step into our true power, it’s when we step into our sovereignty - like I talk in my book. And that’s when we can all thrive. But the sad truth is that for millennials some people didn’t want us to thrive so they made it exclusive. That time is over now.

That’s why we’re all remembering. That’s why we’re talking about witches, and witch-hunts, and there’s a very big energy around that right now because we are all remembering.

It’s inviting us to take our power back and step back into our sovereignty and have the best life that we came here to live, ultimately.

It’s a lot to sit with. That’s why, if you remember, I told you that I can see the Priestess energy inside of you but that doesn’t mean you have to become a Priestess and lead others to awaken that inside of them. I think being a Priestess is living a soul-led life, and allowing yourself to be a channel for the Divine that is working through you for yourself and for others. 

I remember you told me that and I was like ‘OOOOOOOOOOK but what do you mean?’

Basically it means incarnating all of who you are. And really living your life with your intuition, with the Divine and with your soul.
And for me that means helping others to do that and remember their power. But for you it might mean doing videos of plants on youtube or interviewing people on their genius because that’s your genius. Basically it means step into your genius and remember that you are Divine. So bring that Divine essence in everything that you do. 

This is a great message for anyone who’s reading this. Also, you just opened a school, The Sacred Roots Modern Mystery School. How does that feel?

It feels amazing. It feels amazing but I had to go through my own fears and really step into that role and take on that identity of ‘Ok I’m the founder of a mystery school.’ What kind of mysteries am I going to teach? How can I make it the most powerful? What is the transformation that I’m really offering?

It’s my soul’s work so it feels incredibly good and I’ve never enjoyed teaching as much as I am enjoying it now. 

I wish you so much success and so many good things!

They’re already there and more is coming!!

And you’re going to Bali….. with your whole family. Whose idea was it to go?

We are going to Bali for nine months to start with and then we’ll see. It’s been calling us, we still have our home in Canada so we’ll see but life is interesting… it was really an intuitive choice, it didn’t make a lot of sense. But that’s the magic of life when you start living with your intuition, with your soul. Something’s waiting for us there, we don’t know what. 

It’s amazing that your husband flows with your energy.

Yes, I’m really lucky to have someone that has become as spiritual as I am. He wasn’t always like that but he went through a burnout himself and then that awakened things for him. He sees himself as a druid now. He’s full on! Druids essentially are those people who live in alignment with the seasons and the magic of the Earth. And there’s also a huge comeback of that energy and it’s amazing that we can have people with that energy.

To know more about Eleonore de Posson, click here.
Get her book:
The Path of Femininity: The 6 Gifts of your Sovereignty


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