Vicky Sweetlove - collector of stories
Vicky’s unquenchable thirst for knowledge got her to places we wouldn’t venture on a normal basis. Her openness of the senses gives her the ability to walk between worlds, to receive messages, guidance, intuition from other realms - invisible to most. Everything speaks if we listen. Everything has a story to tell..
I participated in her courses on Space Clearing, which immediately opened my awareness to the surroundings… to how everything is impacted and impacts. The most profound teaching has been: all is perfect and I have no right to change anything without permission of the guardians of the place. All has its meaning and purpose, even if I cannot see or understand it. Her energy exudes an utter simplicity of living, which is usually where greatness resides.
You might be wondering, who is she? Well, Vicky is a collector of stories, a gift she uses to bridge people to places: for when she is called it’s because there’s a past story impacting the present lives of people, and by listening to the invisible beings who’ve been there all along she can clear and unblock energy so it flows again.
Tanya Gervasi: I’d love to start by asking, who is Vicky today vs who would you have been in the past?
Vicky Sweetlove: I always envisioned myself as being a seer to Queen Victoria. So maybe I was John Brown ah ah ah… because he was a dowser and he was her seer. Not many people know that.
Today… I don’t know.. I’m different people: Feng Shui consultant, dowser, seer to others, Akashic record consultant delving into the past and the future for people, being a self-healer to myself and others. Being a visionary on many levels, I suppose.
Visionaries aren’t the ones that speak out, visionaries are the ones that see but don’t say.
Well if you think about the teachings of Nostradamus and many other visionaries, you didn’t hear about them until they passed away because all of their prophecies had to come true. Or there were people at that time that wrote about their prophecies, especially like Edgar Cayce and some people like that, it was only afterwards that they saw their visions were there. And then they got known as visionaries.
Do you write down your visions for the future?
I’m going to now, from now on I am.
Oh I’m so curious! Well, I was going to ask you since you said you are a seer for people regarding their past and future, if you apply that gift to humanity as a whole.
It’s humanity and everything that is going on in the world around us. That’s why when I’m out in nature, it’s nature that gives me the visions of what’s going on in the past, present and future. It’s your surroundings, it’s what the planet tells you. That’s why I love Feng Shui so much, because there’s so much in it! There’s a story in everything that you do, in your home, what you surround yourself with, in your garden, everything. The clothes you wear!
Is Feng Shui an ancient Chinese practice? Or would you call it a philosophy?
People say it’s Chinese, but it goes back further. You know there's Tibetan wisdom coming in here, you got the Tibetan Masters, you’ve got the metaphysics that come from all of the Malaysian countries. So people say it’s China because a lot of their books were burned so their knowledge was lost. But then there’s other countries that had this knowledge otherwise it wouldn’t have survived like it has done. It goes back to the Art of War with Sun Tsu and businessmen use that. There’s all of this going on in the background that people use the Feng Shui and everything else and astrology. You know not many people know actually about the Four Pillar Astrology and time & place and the Flying Stars, which is far more intricate than Western Astrology is.
How did you get into it? How did you know it was your thing?
Ever since I was a little girl I always wanted to know everything. How it all works. Take the clocks apart, take the screwdriver, now put that back together… ok I know how that works now. I used to be the fixer when I worked in the office: fix the computer, fix people’s laptops, fix this, fix that. So I was always fixing things because I wanted to know how things work. And it’s the same way now, I research, I look into it, I delve into it, going into it deeper. I look at different teachers, different Masters of Feng Shui and space clearing. Through that you learn different parts of that knowledge and then it’s like a jigsaw puzzle, you put it all together, and then you know there’s more. And you never stop learning. You want to keep on learning, and you wanna know more. Ok what about knowing more about time & place so, what happened 60 years ago? Because there’s a 60 year cycle. So you look back in time to what’s happening now, what happened back in the past, how does that coincide with what's happening now? How can we marry it up?
It’s all these different things and then it measures up with what I do with the Akashic records as well cuz you look back at the history in time. And I think, Ok what if I travel back there in the Akashic records, what can that tell me also? And then I go to the buildings around London and around historic places in the UK wherever I go, and that tells you another story. You look at the Masonic symbols and everything else that’s going on. Ok not all the truth is there that’s written down. So where is the truth? Well it’s out there in the Universe. You have to delve into the universal library of life.
I’d love to delve into another subject that I find very important. It’s not something you advertise on your website, but I know because I studied with you and we got to know each other a little more. You are a seer. So you don’t just see with the eye of the mind, but you can actually see with your eyes.
Yes, I’ve worked as a seer for various people in my lifetime. It’s not just for a few readings, it’s many years I’ve worked with people on this level. So if it doesn’t work what you do, they wouldn’t employ you for that length of time.
Yes, and I want to ask you about your relationship with the Elementals and their world. How is it today for you? And was it different when you were little? How did you approach them? Or did they approach you?
It has always been there because my mother was as playful as me, if you know what I mean. She’d say let’s go to Fairy Glen. She’d have me walk through rivers and streams looking for the biggest pearl, so I’d go and do that for her while she stood on the watery bank and I would wade in and bring up all these mussels and look for the biggest pearl for her. My dog was my best friend, so we played in haystacks and hedgerows, and were always in tune with nature with the birds… what was going on. When the fairies came it wasn’t like it was something different, it’s like they were always there.
It’s not something that’s gone away, in fact it’s gotten stronger as I’ve gotten older.
Because they want to be seen by everyone, they want their message to be heard. They want their faces to be seen in the trees, cuz they want nature to have a voice. They want nature to know that it’s being hurt, cuz at the moment nature is being hurt, is being damaged, and that’s why you can see some of the faces in the trees are sad. It’s cuz they’re telling you, even the stone people are coming out with their faces. So you know you got all these different elements and nature coming to talk to you, to speak to you, if you listen… you don’t just go, Oh look there’s a face in the tree! Ok, what have you got to say? What would you like to tell me? What do I need to know?
I don’t put those on my facebook pages because that’s personal to me but I’m just giving hints out there to people that when they see these faces, tell a little chat telepathically, don’t have to say out loud. And give the tree a hug. Touch the stone, but don’t necessarily put it in your pocket and take it home cuz it looks pretty.
I’ll keep that in mind since I’m definitely someone who collects stones.
The fairies are all around. You just have to be aware that sometimes you have picked these, and gnomes, elves, and water Undines, and little naughty mischievous things that will do things to spark your attention. So you need to be aware if there is something, ask yourself: Ok what haven’t I done, what do I need to do? And if they’re still mischievous and cause water problems and things - I get lots of water problems mainly because I’m connected to water, I’m a water dowser - sometimes they want to move into a new home and they need help. Maybe the stream or the pond where they live has dried up their water source, so you have to help them move to another place.
I’ve done that many times. One day, I was at this client’s home and said to me, “Well what do I do?” So, I’ve got his name, Peter, and it’s a water Undine. It hitched a lift on her horse, derived in her home, caused havoc in the kitchen with water everywhere. I told her, you’ve got this water Undine whose name is Peter, who needs a lift to the lake. I can see him there. She opened the back door of her car for him and said, “Peter, are you in the car?” She hoped he was. She started the car and asked again, “Peter, are you there?” And the radio turned on by itself. She turned it off and asked, “Was that you Peter?” and the radio turned back on again.
When she arrived at the pond that she was taking him to, these ducks marched right to the door. And when she opened the door, they sort of collected him and took him down to the lake. She saw these dark ducks march away. It’s like he had an escort. That was confirmation for her that you don’t have to see these little people, it’s about knowing that there’s other beings like a duck or radio coming on that is saying, “Yes I am here, you don’t really believe in me so I have to show you”.
Do you think people are opening themselves more to them nowadays?
Some people are still scared so that’s why they don’t see them with their eyes as it were, they might feel them, sense them, smell them, know that there’s something going on around them. They don’t always see them because it’s like the ghost in the house that you were told it’s the bad thing. The poltergeist is going to do bad things and knock things off the wall, go BOO to you and take the sheets off your bed… that’s the sort of things that they’re expecting and if they’re expecting that that’s what they will get. The Universe provides you with what you want, right? That’s what you wanted ah ah ah ah.
If you’re pleasantly surprised and you’re willing to work with the fae and the elemental kingdom, remember never to sign up a contract or anything, just say, “ Do this for me, I can leave you a gift”.
Why is that? I’ve been told to never make a promise.
Exactly. That’s the contract. Because you never sign your life away to the Devil. Or to God for that matter. It’s not a similar thing but you’ve got to think of it in that context: you know, when you sign up for that job at work you are very careful, you read the small print. Well you can’t read the faery small print, it could be invisible. You’ve gotta be very careful of what you are letting yourself in for, so you don’t do anything like that. You work with them, you ask them to do things for you and then you offer them a gift. You say, “What gift would you like?”
Usually it’s food, fruit, a few pennies, it’s whatever you have generally.
If children were taught in school this kind of interaction… Maybe they wouldn’t be so scared and skeptical. Perhaps they’d be more careful and thoughtful.
What it is is the school system we have. The school system grinds it out of you. You see, when I was growing up I read a lot of Enid Blyton books, so you’d have Enid Blyton’s Mysteries, St Clare’s series, several Malory Towers, and they’d all have fun in the rooms at night. But you’d also have the Noddy Big Ears books, you know the Little Pixie Down The Lane and things like that. We also grew up with Brer Rabbit. All those things where the animals came alive and had names, and the hedgehog and everything else. So when you grow up like that, you’re used to going out in the fields and the lanes and thinking, “Oh that’s Daisy The Hedgehog, or that’s Brer Rabbit”. So then you’d go talk to those things.
Note: Many of you probably have never heard of this prolific author, so if you want to know more about Enid Blyton and her books (maybe for your children) this is a good source.
What are some of the things you don’t believe in?
What do you mean by “you don’t believe in”.
For example, you believe in the faeries and the world of the Elementals whilst many people don’t believe in those things.
Yes they call me sometimes the crazy woman who talks to the trees and the fairies and sees faces. AH AH AH AH
So what are things you don’t believe in that the majority of people believe.
So you mean the everyday things that’s on the news, is that what you mean?
Ah ah ah ah could be, I don’t know.
That depends what perspective you come from in life, you see. How do you see the information that you receive every day on a daily basis?My mother taught me, as I grew up, that the Universe would provide. No matter what happens in your life, the Universe will provide you with whatever you need on a daily basis. So it’s about being careful of what you thought about, what you wished for, and what came into your life. You are always prepared to do good things, always prepared to help another person and she was a very helpful person: she invited people into our home and fed them, lunch, dinner and overnight stays. She would ask anybody home that was homeless, anybody needed a meal like the gardener across the road - I remember that. So there’s lots of little things like that, and growing up she’d go to healers… it was all about having that consciousness on your wellbeing. Where is your wellbeing? What do you want at the end of the day? What do you want to create? And she’s all into manifesting, in a good purposeful way. Not the million pound notes or anything, but so that you have things for yourself and your family and to help others.
See what we’ve created in this world is it can be a world of greed. If people let go of that feeling of wanting, feeling of needing - necessity - then it just knows that everything is OK and alright out there in the Universe and that whatever is, will be and nature will sort everything out at the end of the day. We don’t need to push or shout or navigate anything because it will just all come right at the end of the day. It will always do, always has done.
If you look back at the eons of time in history, it always rights itself. The bubonic plague finished itself with that great fire of London. And then there was a new London that rose out of that. All these things all over the world happened, all through time. The Atlantians disappeared, why was that? We all know why, they blew themselves up with the technology. They mastered great technology and we don’t know anything about it now because it’s all gone. And what are we doing now? We’re creating great technology. So, need I say anymore?
Aristotle said, “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all”. And it will create misalignment.
Correct. As you know when I teach the Akashic records it’s all about coming from your heart energy, from here (she puts a hand on her chest) and letting got of this ego up here (she puts both hands on her head). It’s only when the people come in and do the first weekend that they go, “Oh”... and they find it really hard to let go of their head, let go of their thoughts. Suddenly when they had that release after those two days and they’re feeling in their heart energy, that everything is ok and they don’t really have any problems anymore. The problems have dissolved in nothingness because they don’t matter. What they came wanting to solve like a new job, a new house or moving here or they’re not getting on with their friend or their partner, but that doesn’t matter anymore because what they find is once they come into their heart that everything just comes right in their life. Whatever story is unfolding in front of them, is what should be and that could be a new life’s journey of living abroad, it could be anything, writing a book, moving house, starting a new life with new friends. But whatever that is, that new journey won’t start until you come out of this (she touches her head). And when you come into here (she places a hand on her heart) this is when it all starts.
See I grew up as a very naive little girl. Am still a very naive adult, very naive. I don’t always believe whatever everybody tells me, because I know there’s something else and it’s always about looking at the mirror: what’s reflecting what they’re saying? And maybe it could be too that subconsciously there are two dimensions here, and maybe I’m seeing the other dimension of that person… the parallel dimension that we all live in. And maybe when I’m seeing, Ok I’ve seen this person before or I feel I have, what are they really like? What are they really telling me? What’s going on there? And all of a sudden I get that information. Knowingness from here (she touches her heart) not here (she touches her head) just comes in and you know what’s the correct pathway and where you need to go and what you need to do.
Have you always known what you wanted to become when you grew up, or what you wanted to do?
When I was growing up I wanted to be a ballerina. Ballerina or a model. My mother bought me red velvet ballet shoes only because my cousin had pink ones and she wore them to ballet classes. She would not allow me to go to ballet classes. And I could only think because she was told by a fortune teller that I would hurt myself in some way, which I did later on in life. When I was 18, I got run over by a bus. No matter what it is, what's gonna be happening in your life, it will happen one way or another. It just depends when it will happen and what the effect will be on you. As it was I was very lucky, the angels had lifted the bus off my legs and I just had a fractured pelvis and a slightly broken elbow but that was it. It was just a miracle, an absolute miracle cuz you could see the bus tires on my legs, my shoes are broken. And also I think my mother was told I wouldn’t walk again but I got up out of bed and I just walked to see my friend in the other ward who was nursing there. She said, “What are you doing here?” , I replied “I’ve come to see you”. Then after that I just walked and walked and walked. Because if you have it in your mind and nobody has told you you can’t do it, you can do it because you don’t know you can’t do it. So if we are told at a young age that you can’t do something, then you won’t do it. And that was the same with my ballet dancing, I was told I can’t do it.
I got an opportunity about two years ago, I took some ballet classes at my gym. And there I was doing my ballet at the bar, at last! So it’s never say no, opportunity will come at some point but it was years and years later. But it is about being careful about what you say to children, about “No you can’t do this”; say “ yes you can do it, yes you’re clever, yes you’re bright, yes you’re beautiful”. The way you give a child more things to do and tell them how bright and beautiful they are, it’s like Rudolf Steiner and his teachings really: they told them how to progress, how to do it in their way, how they like to do it, they asked them: in which way do you suggest?
When I worked at City University it was the same thing, I was very lucky to know this man who invited me to all these meetings with all the tutors: what do you suggest Vicky? How would you do this? What’s your example of what to do? And they took on board everything I said because it was coming from my heart and not my head. Because I wasn’t going to gain anything here (she touches her head) but here (she touches her heart) yes, to tell them the truth how I feel, how I think it would go and how it would work. And it did work because I was connecting to that universal heart energy.
I love what you say. There’s a common belief many times that if you say the truth, or your truth, you will not benefit from it. But perhaps, what you are showing us is that broader ripple effect we often miss… a sort of being of service to something greater than our ego.
I think it’s the butterfly effect from the spectrum of where we are on that spectrum. If we look at that spectrum and where we are, it can be a spectrum of many different colours, many different layers. It depends where you place yourself, and you don’t even need to think about where you’re placing yourself because you will be on the lower end one day and on the higher end the other day. We all vibrate at different levels each day! It’s not the same every day, we have our highs and lows and we know that. When we have a low day, we try and raise our vibration by doing something that we enjoy but don’t push yourself to work that day because it won’t work, you need to change your vibration first. So it’s about accessing that information but not going, “Oh I must do that, I must do it!!”, because it won’t work. It has to come from a heart-energy, a good place when you’re feeling relaxed, when you’re feeling not in need, and when you feel that “Ok I don’t care anymore, I don’t care what the result is. If it happens it happens.”
When you care too much, nothing will happen.
And so why are we pushed to care?
Like, why are we pushed to care so much about the climate, and the people we love. Does it apply the same way?
Well it’s a different type of caring, because that is considered love for the planet and love for your family.
But when we want things, that’s a different type of caring. You know, what do I care about and want in my life? When we don’t care about what we want anymore, then it comes. So you can still care for your family, nature and the planet but it’s about allowing the things to be released and let go: don’t keep on insisting recycling that plastic bottle because it just won’t work. And it won’t work if we keep on drumming that same instrument going into the ground; it won’t work if we keep saying save electricity, save gas, save petrol… You know, don’t switch the light on at night… because you can’t sit in a freezing cold room! And you just gotta realise at the end of the day, Ok makes me happy? I need to feel warm, I need to eat, I need to feel comfortable.
So do things that make you feel happy and comfortable, then you know that everything is alright. Because the expenses won’t come into it: I’m finding that by putting and doing what I want when I need it, there is no higher cost of electricity, there is no higher cost of petrol. The only higher cost comes in when I think, Oh I gotta do that long journey. Well, then think about it in another way, could you do it in a bus for free? Could you use the tube? Share a ride with a friend? It’s just about doing things in a different way. Be conscious about maybe having half of what you used to eat on your plate, and then you don’t gain weight either, you lose weight, you feel better. Right? Maybe share that extra with your neighbour or your friend down the street, and doesn’t that make you feel good that you helped someone?
Maybe the clothes in your wardrobe that you’ve kept for twenty years and you think, Oh I’ll just keep that coat cuz I really need it now and I need another pair of shoes, but maybe instead of keeping it why don’t you think maybe there’s somebody out there that could do those shoes on their feet or a coat for the winter. It’s not about looking for the tramp in the street, but it’s about putting it out there and saying, “Well this is free, would you like it?” Because we start charging for things all the time, we don’t give things away, and it’s about giving and learning to give.
And what you give out, you receive back. It’s the law of the universe. You give back what you’d want, you receive what you need in whatever way it comes. Perhaps somebody will be giving something to you that you need. I had so many people giving me such good turns and good deeds, for things that I passed on to other people but they came from other people in a different direction, a different route. I felt so blessed, so blessed! And it’s not like I’ve done it on purpose, it’s just that it’s my life, it’s how I’ve learnt to live. And I have to go to that phrase again that my mother always said, the universe will provide.
It’s just knowing that you’re ok, things are alright.