A monthly exploration of your inner worlds.
Every 3rd Friday of the month, at 8PM:
Buy your ticket for the 23 May
Location: The Twelfth House, 1 Chingford Road E17 4PW
A monthly exploration of your inner worlds.
Every 3rd Friday of the month, at 8PM:
Buy your ticket for the 23 May
Location: The Twelfth House, 1 Chingford Road E17 4PW
A monthly exploration of your inner worlds.
Every 3rd Friday of the month, at 8PM:
Buy your ticket for the 23 May
Location: The Twelfth House, 1 Chingford Road E17 4PW
Put the next dates in your calendar: 20 June, 18 July, 22 August, 19 September, 17 October.
Firstly, I’d like to make it clear that it is not a writing course nor a workshop, you will not be taught to write or be given homework.
The IN HER GENIUS WRITING CLUB is an opportunity, in this fast-paced society we live in, to go inward and uncover the worlds we unknowingly inhabit.
The club is a perfect small-group environment to experiment being alone whilst surrounded by others - it is easier when everyone has the same objective and intention.
About 10 years ago, I was in a difficult place in my life. One day, as I was writing a letter to someone, visions of a character appeared in my mind and for once I decided to follow her - ending up never sending that letter and instead finding myself in one of my inner worlds. It is to my understanding, that we have multiple worlds within… not just one. Through the interaction with that character, I rewrote a specific part of my life and the experiences I was living on repeat changed within some time.
I’ve been wanting to offer the opportunity and guidance to others to rewrite their story. I am aware it is not something that will change overnight, or in a few months (though never say never), inner time works differently from a clock’s time. So if you’re curious about discovering what’s within you, join me and 9 others: it’s open to everyone.
I’ll leave you with this beautiful quote from my friend and teacher Michela Chiarelli: We are nobody in the eyes of others, but extraordinary things happen within us; we need to nurture who we are inside.
P.S. Bring your mug, I have tea and homemade treats (though if you have any specific allergy, bring your own treats too <3 )